Selasa, 15 September 2009


I remember when I'd run to you
through field of white flowers
Your embrace is my air
How I needed you there
And all of the world and
All of it's powers
Couldn't keep your love from me no
Couldn't keep your love from me

Cause I need you
Like the dragonfly's wings need the wind
Like the orphan needs home once again
Like heaven needs more to come in
I need you here like you've always been

And then I waved goodbye to you
From fields of white flowers
You were so proud of me
I was too proud to see that
All of the world and
All of it's powers
Couldn't keep your love from me no
Couldn't keep your love from me

Cause I need you
Like the dragonfly's wings need the wind
Like the orphan needs home once again
Like heaven needs more to come in
I need you here like you've always been

Taking for granted
(taking for granted)
... all of her smiles
That got away

And now I'm looking up to you
From fields of white flowers
You were so proud of me
I'm so proud of you
All of the world and
All of it's powers
Couldn't keep your love from me no
Couldn't keep your love from me

Cause I need you
Like the dragonfly's wings need the wind
Like the orphan needs home once again
Like heaven needs more to come in
I need you here

I need you
Like the dragonfly's wings need the wind
Like the orphan needs home once again
Like heaven needs more to come in
I need you here like you've always been

i need you here like you've always been

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

school's out : boring!

hey blog.
gua udah males banget nih nulis...gatau kenapa.

oke jadi sabtu kemaren adalah hari terakhir sekolah.
mungkin bagi orang" yang anti social(contoh:fatur,gorga dan anak" paws) liburan adalah hal yang menyenangkaaaannn...bagi gua...liburan adalah sesuatu yang membosankaaaan...
coba pikir aja...kalo liburan gua ngapain?
makan?(lagian juga lagi puasa)
nyusuin hamster(what?)?

gua adalah salah satu orang yang tidak berdaya karena liburan.
kalo sekolah kan gua masih bisa maen ama temen",pacaran, bercanda canda, belajar, yah yang jelas gua mempunyai rutinitas yang tidak membosankan kalo sekolah.

sebenernya liburan kali ini gua ada banyak kegiatan juga.
misalnya nginep di rumah nenek nya udin buat ngurusin lagu buat band,atau nonton FD4 3D sama temen",selebihnya ngapain????
lagian juga duit gua yang tadinya 700 ribu lama lama menipis!
gua nombokin alumni waktu bukber kir dan anak" belom pada bayar ke gua!!!!
terus bayar bukber sekolah ama reunian sd.
abis dari bukber sekolah gua langsung ke kfc dan dompet pun semakin menipis.
duit gua sekarang tinggal 400
buat nonton besok gua bawa 100 - 200
buat ke rumah nenek nya udin paling 20 rebu...
ntar gua mao ke pasaraya pasti harus bawa duit.

kalo gua ngabisin duit di setiap kegiatan di atas mungkin dompet gua bakal bener" kosong dan ga bakal ada kegiatan lagi buat liburan...ckckck

bosen...mana im2 gua kuotanya di abisin kakak gua nge download...ckckck


oya, gua lagi suka musik" yang santai...track list lagu yang keras gua singkirkan...
gua lebih milih ke track" yang cocok dengan suasana hati dan yang BEDA dari yang lain.
gua lagi benci banget mainstream gua mao mencoba sesuatu yang baru.
pikiran gua lagi bereksplorasi. huaaaahhahahaha.

udah ah...pala gua pusing banget,capek.

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